Silky Terriers Wire Fox Terriers Boarding Training The Gallery Home |
Grooming the Wire FoxTerrier
Our prices are firm. Puppies are regularly evaluated and price is determined by age , conformation and quality. All puppies purchased as pets are sold with limited registration or as non breeding unless a permission to breed contract is signed . We do not wholesale to pet shops or brokers nor do we sell commercial breeding stock. We do accept VISA Master Card, and Discover Card We will accept a deposit to hold a puppy to assure that puppy will be available . The deposit is a promise to purchase and is NON REFUNDABLE. Before you put a deposit down make sure you are 100% sure you want a puppy and you can have a puppy. Make sure you have gotten permission from your landlord and that you and your spouse are both wanting a puppy/dog . I show the puppies by appointment only. Daly from 11 am until 3 pm Phone 818-504-6887 For people too far away to drive in to pick up a puppy, check South West Airlines getaway fares to Burbank CA . They have on line rates that in some cases are around the cost of cargo shipping . Southwest dose not require a health certificate (a savings of $115) and you can choose the puppy of your choice rather than a photo . With the exception of those living right on east coast most people can fly in and out on the same day
Boris was just adopted and this is his new home. They came up to pick out their Wire Fox Terrier puppy and went home with Boris He now is a brother to three Wires (Indy Molly and Augie )and a Weimaraner (Shadow) and a nephew to a Japanese Chin
I thought you would like to knowe how Boris is getting along. He and Auggie are the best of friends. Thank you for letting us adopt him. We still haven't decided on keeping his name or changing it. We'll see you in 2 weeks to pick up Molly You should see him run in the backyard. He outruns all of the other dogs . He and Augie were playing tag this morning and he was enjoying himself. He wasn't sure of Shadow the Weimaraner at first but now he even lays dawn on the same pillow with her. He truly has made himself at home here . We just love him
Joanne and Richard Camona
More customer comments :
Hello Lee
I bought a male Silky from you on July 1. He is doing very well. I
thought my last Silky was smart, but this one is outdoing him. He was
perfect on the leash the second time out. Walks up and down stairs
without fear. After two nights in a crate without doing his business,
I allowed him on my bed overnight. He woke me at 4 am the first night
to go out. Last night he slept through the night until 8am. He's
learned to use a ramp to get up on my bed. I got the ramp for my old
Silky, he never did learn to go up the ramp. He's learned to play
fetch with a tennis ball on the first try. He brings his 5 toys from
all over the house and puts them in one place...I've never seen that
behavior before.
So far, he doesn't chew much, but he does bark. He hears everything!
Thank you for finding me a great dog.
Neil Campbell
Dear Lee
I thought I’d share a couple of pictures of my babies. I can’t believe we’ve had Romeo for a year already. He’s turned into such a good boy. Isn’t he handsome? (He was begging for a cookie.) Romeo and Josie get along as if they were together from day 1. Inseparable. Patti Schechter
Hi Lee,
Just to let you know we followed your instructions and waited until Sunny was nearly 8 months to spay her. She came through it very well, and it was very difficult to keep her quiet during the healing, but all is well now. Cissy and I are very pleased at how well she and the Cocker get along. Sunny drags the Cocker around by the ears and shakes them like a toy. The Cocker responds by mouthing her face and a lot of wrestling. It's great to watch. Sunny has graduated from Beginner's school at the local kennel and is behaving pretty well for her 10 months age. Sit, stay, and come are good and she has the greatest "speak" and a few other tricks. Potty training was a bit of a strain mostly because of the winter weather and her fear of the doggie door, but there hasn't been an "accident" in the house in a couple months or more with no effort on our part, and the doggie door has become fun for her. In and out, in and out...LOL Shades of our old Sydney, she comes up on the bed behind me while I'm sitting at the computer and either drops a ball off the bed or scratches the back of my chair. Also lying beside me in a chair while watching TV with the Cocker on my lap...just like Syd. You mentioned her cocking her head when we bought her. She does it all the time along with popping her ears up and down. What expression...what a cutie!!! She loves all visitors and other dogs. She is worth every penny we paid. The two pictures aren't great, but it gives the idea of how well she's doing here.
Thanks and Happy Easter,
Dear Lee, My name is Vickie Schipper and almost 4 yr. ago my husband and I came
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